Creative Web is an exclusive artisan group which brings together artisans of vanous art forms to customise art pertaining to the collectors' choice. Expression of thoughts and ideas in the form of visual depiction with vivid colours and patterns is what we aim to achieve at Creative Web.

We have exclusively divided our venture into Home Decor and Home Furnishing; An elegant collection of both have been handcrafted in various alternatives to suit your taste.

Home decor includes wall murals and sculptures made of FRP fibre, paper pulp, resin clay, paintings (modem art on canvas, wood cuttings: and traditional art including Gond. Bhil. Tanjore paintings and relief art). show pieces mainly crafted by bamboo, wrought iron and brass (Bastar and Dhokra art). Furthermore, handcrafted wooden Chowkis (short stools) with intricate stone work, alongside dot pattemed mandalas crafted into wall hangings, clocks, paintings. trays and photo frames, which give your home an artistic retouch!

Home fumishing products like cushions, table ma., lamps, curtains and napkin se., are available in printed as well as handcrafted altematives. Intricate embroidery and zari work has been carefully sewed on the finest materials to enhance your homely surroundings.

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
